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Registrant Verification

ICANN now stipulates that as a Registrant of a domain name or by changing your name or email address for existing domains, you need to verify your contact information. For new registrations you must verify your email address. For changes to existing domain names, you must verify the name or email modification. Please note that without timely verification (15 days) of your email address or modified contact information, you can't fully manage your domain name and your domain name will stop resolving after its respective Verification Deadline Date.

That means, you can use one or several contact handles, with the same already confirmed content, for several domains.

Registrant verification1.png


  1. Which TLDs are affected of the Registrant Verification policy?

    There are all gTLDs and nTLDs are affected.

  2. Which domains are affected?

    All new registered, transferred and modified domains.The domain which were registered before Jan 2014 will require the verification if they perform an update or Transfer.

  3. Which information will verified?

    The combination of Name, Organization and e-Mail address will verified. It will not verified single contact handles or domains.

  4. How the contact details will be verified?

    The mentioned domain registrant e-Mail address is getting automatically an e-Mail with a confirmation LINK after the registration, transfer or update.

  5. How long are the deadline for the verification?

    The verification e-Mail must be approved with 15 days. A reminder e-Mail will sent after 7 days if they did not confirmed the LINK.

  6. What will happen if the registrant does not approve the LINK?

    The customer nameserver(s) will replaced at the registry for all domains which using the not verified contact information. The domain(s) are not resolving anymore.

  7. What happens if the registrant has more than one domain and does not approve the link. ?

    All domains which are using the same details(Name,Organization and e-Mail) will be DEACTIVATED.

  8. What happens if the registrant didn't receive the e-Mail?

    The registrant can easily resend the e-Mail from his/her Hexonet account.

  9. What if the I entered wrong e-Mail address?

    The e-Mail address can be changed by performing a trade, according to the new ICANN Inter-Registrar transfer policy(IRTP). The e-Mail address cannot be changed using the Modifydomain command. The e-Mail is sent to the new e-Mail address automatically.

  10. What do I see if the domain is off-line?
  11. A web-page containing the verification link will be shown. He/She can also verify from this page.

  12. Where I can find all domains which need verification?
  13. All domains require verification can be found in 'Pending Task' menu.

  14. What happens if I am using the e-Mail address based on domain e.g [email protected]?
  15. The e-Mail will not be resent if the domain is off-line or not resolving(passed the 15 days deadline).