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.コム (XN--TCKWE)

The .コム domain name will help to provide businesses and individuals with the opportunity to reach new customer segments in the Japanese native script through a TLD operated by Verisign. The meaning of .コム in Japanese is the same as .COM in English.

.コム (XN-TCKWE)
Logo xn--tckwe.png
Name .コム (XN-TCKWE)
Puny Code XN--TCKWE
Introduced 2015
Definition ".COM"
Language Japanese
Category Business & Finance
Registry Verisign
IDN Capable Yes
Dispute Policy ICANN Rules
Webpage Register .コム
Legal Information
Legal TBA



Registration Information

  • Sunrise: December 9, 2015 - March 14 2016. For Sunrise, prospective registrants who wish to register a domain name must have a valid Signed Mark Data (SMD) file from the Trademark Clearinghouse at the time of registration. During the Sunrise period, these prospective registrants will be able to register the second-level domain (SLD) in .コム that matches the string recorded in their SMD file.
  • Domain Matching: March 15 2016 - May 15 2016. The Priority Access Program is available for existing registrants of .com domain names (in ASCII or IDN script) that registered their .com domain name prior to the start date of the Priority Access Program Period for .コム on March 15, 2016 at 00:00 UTC (the “Existing .com Second Level Domain Name”) and that have held the registration of their existing .com Second Level Domain Name for longer than the Add Grace Period (i.e. the Add Grace Period for .com registry is five calendar days). Each qualifying Priority Access Program applicant shall have the exclusive right during the .コム Priority Access Program Period to register the exact match of the Existing .com Second Level Domain Name (the “Matching Second Level Domain Name”) in .コム provided:
    1. The Matching Second Level Domain Name is available for registration in .コム during the Priority Access Program Period.
    2. The Matching Second Level Domain Name is registered through a registrar that is the same registrar-of-record for the Existing .com Second Level Domain Name.
    Domains simply can be registered by using the AUTH-Code from the corresponding .COM domain.
  • Landrush: May 16 2016 - June 12 2016. Landrush is open to any eligible entity or individual for any available domain name in .コム. During this phase, domain name registrations will be available on a “first-come, first-served” basis, subject to availability and the applicable registry policies.
  • GO LIVE: June 13, 2016. General Availability is open to any eligible entity or individual for any available domain name in .コム. domain names are registered in .コム on a “first-come, first-served basis”, subject to availability and the applicable registry policies.






Dispute Policy



1api GmbH




Min. Characters


Max. Characters


Character Set
  • Letters and numbers
  • Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD
  • IDN: allowed
  • Registrant Contacts: Required: 1 / Maximum: 1
  • Admin Contacts: Required: 1 / Maximum: 1
  • Tech Contacts: Required: 1 / Maximum: 1
  • Billing Contacts: Required: 1 / Maximum: 1

{{{Possible Extensions}}}

IDN capable


Restore capable


Handle Updates


Registration System


Allowed number of NS

0 to 13

Registry Nameservercheck


Host IP-Addresses Type

IPv4 / IPv6

Hosts managed as


Root Nameserver Update


SEC DNS Interface

DS data interface



Transfer Periods


Transfer Authcode required


Transfer Real-Time


Transfer Pending Period

5 days

Transfer Expire Action


Transfer ACK by


Transfer NACK by


Transfer Lock


Owner Change by



{{{Possible Extensions}}}

Registration Periods

1 year

Add Grace Period

0 days

Accounting Period

-5 days

Finalization Period

35 days

Failure Period

44 days

Payment Period

-61 days

Deletion Restorable Period

30 days

Deletion Hold Period

5 days

Explicit Renewals


Renewal Periods

1-9 years


Domain Registration

Domains can be registered in Real-Time with the API AddDomain command.

command = AddDomain
domain  = (DOMAIN)


ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER)


auth = (TEXT) | (NULL)
period = (PERIOD)
transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL)

Domain Transfer

The transfer has to be initiated by the gaining registrar and can be requested with the API TransferDomain command.
A valid Authorization Code must be provided to initiate a transfer successfully. You may obtain the authorization code from the losing registrar.
As soon as a domain transfer has been initiated it can either be approved ("ACK") by Registrar or denied ("NACK") by Registrar. If the registry receives neither a denial ("NACK") nor an approval ("ACK") the transfer will be ACKed after 5 days.

Please note that HEXONET is acting in compliance with ICANN Transfer Guidelines. The respective policies can be viewed under :

As soon as you have submitted a transfer request, the HEXONET system start the transfer through the official registry and the losing registrar will receive the transfer request. The losing registrar will then send an email to the domain registrant/administrative contact, allowing them to deny the pending transfer. If there is no response received within 5 days, the transfer will automatically be processed.

command = TransferDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


auth = (TEXT)


period = (PERIOD)
transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL)

Delete Domain

Domains can be deleted with the API DeleteDomain command.
There is a Deletion Restorable Period of 30 days and a following Deletion Hold Period of 5 days.

command = DeleteDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)

Restore Domain

Restores can be processed in realtime. A restore is possible within 30 days upon deletion. Please use the command RestoreDomain.

command = RestoreDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


subuser = (TEXT)
renewalmode = (NULL) | (TEXT)


All contact information with the exception of registrant Name, Firstname and Organisation can be updated through the ModifyDomain command.
In order to change the owner you have to request a trade with the TradeDomain command. This can be done through our web interface or through our API:

command = TradeDomain
domain = <DOMAIN>
ownercontact0 = <CONTACT>
command = ModifyDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)

TLD specific

Authorization code

There are special requirements regarding the format of the authorization code. Please consider the following restrictions, if you want to assign a new authorization code to a domain:

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • having at least one (1) numeric,
  • one (1) alphabetic, and
  • one (1) special character

You may generate a valid random auth code by adding this parameter to the ModifyDomain command:

command = ModifyDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


generaterandomauth = 1



ICANN Whois Data Reminder Policy (WDRP)

At least annually, a registrar must present to the registrant the current Whois information, and remind the registrant that provision of false Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of his domain name registration. Registrants must review their Whois data, and make any corrections.

ICANN Registrar Data Escrow Program (RDE)

Under the data escrow provision of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), all ICANN-accredited registrars must regularly deposit a backup copy of their gTLD registration data with ICANN through ICANN's arrangement with Iron Mountain or they may elect to use a Third Party Provider of RDE services that has been approved by ICANN.

Restore Process

To restore a domain as a RegistrarOC customer, you simply have to execute the RestoreDomain command. HEXONET directly forwards the restore request to the registry, which performs the restore in real-time. As soon as the restore is complete, the domain will get assigned to your account with the original domain data.

Please do not initiate a restore directly at the registry (e.g. using the registrar webinterface). All restore operations must be performed through our system.