The QueryDomainRepositoryList command is used to list all available RegistarOC domain repositories.
The parameter TRIGGER is required if the RegistarOC handlers are not assigned to the user (or one of his subusers) requested the command.
command = QueryDomainRepositoryList
trigger = (TRIGGER)
wide = 0 | 1
code = (CODE)
description = (DESCRIPTION)
property[repository][0] = (TEXT)
property[repository][1] = (TEXT)
property[sum_domains][0] = (INT)
property[sum_domains][1] = (INT)
property[status][0] = (TEXT)
property[status][1] = (TEXT)
property[registry][0] = (TEXT)
property[registry][1] = (TEXT)
property[zones][0] = (TEXT)
property[zones][1] = (TEXT)
property[status_accounting][0] = 0 | 1
property[status_accounting][1] = 0 | 1
property[createddate][0] = (DATE)
property[createddate][1] = (DATE)
property[updateddate][0] = (DATE)
property[updateddate][1] = (DATE)