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Introduced 2015
Category Business & Finance
Registry Verisign
IDN Capable Yes
Dispute Policy ICANN Rules
Webpage Register .SPREADBETTING
Legal Information
Legal TBA



Registrant Eligibility

  1. Eligibility UK Financial Conduct Authority. An entity holding one more more regulatory permissions granted by the UK Financial Conduct Authority in respect of the spread betting space.
  2. Eligibility Central Bank of Ireland. An entity holding one more more regulatory permissions granted by the Central Bank of Ireland in respect of the spread betting space.
  3. Continued Edibility. It is a condition of continued registration and renewal of a domain name that the registrant continues to meet either the eligibility requirement set out at Eligibility above.

Applicant Verification Information

  1. Appointed Representative. If you are an Appointed Representative or Tied Agent (or other) acting on behalf of a regulated firm, you must provide the relevant information in order to identify yourself as such.
  2. Authorization Number. An Applicant will be asked to provide the authorisation number provided by the its financial regulator, as relevant to the jurisdiction in which is operates.
  3. Regulatory Permission. An Applicant will be asked to identify the regulatory permission(s) that is holds. Such permissions may include (a) Introducing (b) Advising (c) Counterparty to client trades (d) Discretionary management (e) Dealing as an agent (f) Other.

Registrant Licensing, Accreditation, Authorizations, or Charter Terms

  1. Authorization, Charters, Licenses, Credentials. During registration you must confirm and represent that you possesses all necessary authorisations, accreditations, charters, licenses and/or related credentials for their participation in the regulated sector associate with the TLD and you agree to verification of same post registration.
  2. Applicable Laws, Rules, Policies, Regulations. You must comply with all applicable laws, rules, policies and/or regulations, including updates and renwals of any and all necessary authorisations, accreditations, charters, licenses and/or related credentials necessary for the continued participation in the regulated sectors and/or activities indicated.
  3. Report of Changes of Authorization, Charters, Licenses, Credentials. While during an active registration, you must report any material changes to the validity of your authorizations, accreditations, charters, licenses and/or other related credentials provided at the time of registration and/or which affect such Registrant's continued participation in the regulated sector and/or activities indicated and associated with the TRADING TLD.
  4. False Claims. You will not claim or infer to have authorisations, accreditations, charters, licences and/or other related credentials, that you do not possess;
  5. Accurate Administrative Contact Information. You will provide and keep up-to-date an administrative contact, to be used by the Registry and/or the Registrar for the notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse;
  6. Up-to-Date Accurate Administrative Contact Information. You will keep up-to-date information on the name and contact details of the regulatory, or industry self-regulatory entity or entities with control or jurisdiction over its main place of business, such information to be presented promptly upon request in cases where verification is necessary.






Dispute Policy


  • Registrant Contacts: Required: / Maximum:
  • Admin Contacts: Required: / Maximum:
  • Tech Contacts: Required: / Maximum:
  • Billing Contacts: Required: / Maximum:

{{{Possible Extensions}}}

Allowed number of NS



{{{Possible Extensions}}}


Domain Registration

Domains can be registered with the API AddDomain command.

command = AddDomain
domain  = (DOMAIN)


ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER)
x-spreadbetting-accept-highly-regulated-tac = 1


auth = (TEXT) | (NULL)
period = (PERIOD)
transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL)

Domain Transfer

There is a special procedure to handle a domain transfer. Please contact our Support-Team if you should need further information.

command = TransferDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


auth = (TEXT)


period = (PERIOD)
transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL)

Delete Domain

Domains can be deleted with the API DeleteDomain command.
There is no Deletion Restorable Period.

command = DeleteDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)

Restore Domain

command = RestoreDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


subuser = (TEXT)
renewalmode = (NULL) | (TEXT)



ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
x-spreadbetting-accept-highly-regulated-tac = 1

TLD specific


X-SPREADBETTING-ACCEPT-HIGHLY-REGULATED-TAC=1: The confirmation that the registrant has read and agrees and is willing to be compliant with the additional terms and conditions for .SPREADBETTING.

Authorization code

There are special requirements regarding the format of the authorization code. Please consider the following restrictions, if you want to assign a new authorization code to a domain:

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • having at least one (1) numeric,
  • one (1) alphabetic, and
  • one (1) special character

You may generate a valid random auth code by adding this parameter to the ModifyDomain command:

command = ModifyDomain
domain = (DOMAIN)


generaterandomauth = 1



No special procedures.