![]() |
Introduced | 1987 |
Country | Canada |
Registry | CIRA |
IDN Capable | Yes |
Webpage | Register .CA |
Contents |
.ca |
Registry | |
Dispute Policy | |
Registrar |
1api GmbH |
WHOIS-Server | |
WHOIS-Update |
5 minutes |
Min. Characters |
2 |
Max. Characters |
63 |
Character Set |
Limitations |
IDN capable |
Yes |
Restore capable |
Real-Time |
Handle Updates |
Supported (partially) |
Registration System |
Real-Time |
Allowed number of NS |
0 to 13 |
Registry Nameservercheck |
No |
Host IP-Addresses Type |
IPv4 / IPv6 |
Hosts managed as |
Object |
Root Nameserver Update |
hourly |
SEC DNS Interface |
DS data interface |
Transferclass |
Pull |
Transfer Periods |
1Y |
Transfer Authcode required |
Yes |
Transfer Real-Time |
Yes |
Transfer Lock |
Yes |
Transfer Confirmation (Request / Approve) |
- / - |
Owner Change by |
Update |
Registration Periods |
1-10 years |
Add Grace Period |
0 days |
Accounting Period |
-1 day |
Finalization Period |
44 days |
Failure Period |
44 days |
Payment Period |
-61 days |
Deletion Restorable Period |
30 days |
Deletion Hold Period |
7 days |
Explicit Renewals |
Yes |
Renewal Periods |
1-10 years |
Domain Registration
Domains can be registered in Real-Time with the API AddDomain command.
command = AddDomain domain = (DOMAIN)
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT) admincontact0 = (CONTACT) techcontact0 = (CONTACT) billingcontact0 = (CONTACT) nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER) nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER) X-CA-LEGALTYPE = (TEXT) - see TLD specific
auth = (TEXT) | (NULL) period = (PERIOD) transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL) X-CA-LANGUAGE = EN | FR
Further information can be found at TLD specific
Domain Transfer
The transfer has to be initiated by the gaining registrar and can be requested with the API TransferDomain command.
A valid Authorization Code must be provided to initiate a transfer successfully. You may obtain the authorization code from the losing registrar.
Domain transfers are processed in Real-Time.
command = TransferDomain domain = (DOMAIN)
auth = (TEXT) | (NULL)
period = (PERIOD) transferlock = 0 | 1 | (NULL)
Delete Domain
Domains can be deleted with the API DeleteDomain command.
There is a Deletion Restorable Period of 30 days and a following Deletion Hold Period of 7 days.
command = DeleteDomain domain = (DOMAIN)
Restore Domain
Restores can be processed in realtime. A restore is possible within 30 days upon deletion. Please use the command RestoreDomain.
command = RestoreDomain domain = (DOMAIN)
subuser = (TEXT) renewalmode = (NULL) | (TEXT)
An Ownerchange is free of charge and can be done with the API ModifyDomain command.
command = ModifyDomain domain = (DOMAIN)
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT) X-CA-LEGALTYPE = (TEXT) - see TLD specific
TLD specific
Please note: Before the migration to a new system on October 12, 2010 it was possible to register provincial third level domain names under,,,,,,,,,,, and CIRA still supports existing domain names, however new registrations are not possible.
Please read the following carefully, as registration of .CA are unique and require care.
1. Registering a .CA domain for a new registrant (contact)
Whenever you register a .CA domain for a new registrant (using a new registrant contact handle) the registrant has to agree to the registrant agreement within 5 days before the domain becomes active. This can be done at providing the contact id of the new registrant. The contact id is returned as property X-CA-CONTACT-REGISTRANT when you perform a StatusDomain command via API or is displayed in our Control Panel at "REGISTRY INFORMATION" for the respective domain.
If the same (already confirmed) registrant contact is used to register another .CA domain then the domain will be registered in real-time.
How can the registrant confirm the registry REGISTRANT AGREEMENT?
As soon as a registration request has been submitted through the HEXONET system, we will send a confirmation email to the email address of the registrant. This email includes a link which redirects to CIRA´s website and also the required "Contact Id", which can be used to confirm the REGISTRANT AGREEMENT. As soon as the registrant has accepted this agreement, the registration of the requested domain name will be processed.
2. Default Privacy of Contact Data and Enabling Disclosure (contact information)
If you register a .CA domain and are a private individual, by default, the registry hides from the public the contact data you provide at the point of registration. For corporations, businesses, and organizations however, the contact data is public by default and is published by the registry.
For those individuals who wish to make public their contact data, the registry allows for disclosure of the information at your request and approval. For any .CA domain name you wish to disclose the contact data, simply check "Disable Privacy" in the respective domain name's Registry Settings through the Control Panel. For API resellers, you can set and/or update the parameter X-CA-DISCLOSE executed through the domain name commands (AddDomain, ModifyDomain).
Support for using the X-CA-DISCLOSE parameter with the contact related commands (AddContact, ModifyContact) stopped on February 5, 2019.
3. Registering a .CA domain for a previously used registrant (contact)
If you register a .CA domain with the same registrant contact that was already used and confirmed for a previously registered .CA domain, then the domain registration is simply processed in real-time. Another confirmation of the registrant contact is not required.
Registration parameters
You always have to state the legal type of the owner. Please find below the possible legal types.
X-CA-LEGALTYPE - required (Legal Types below)
You can also state the preferred language of the registrant:
X-CA-LANGUAGE - optional registrant contact language ('EN' (default), 'FR')
Further contact restrictions
For Canadian contacts a valid province must be provided. Please see below a list of valid Canadian provinces.
Legal Types
- CCO Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory)
- CCT Canadian citizen
- RES Permanent Resident of Canada
- GOV Government or government entity in Canada
- EDU Canadian Educational Institution
- ASS Canadian Unincorporated Association
- HOP Canadian Hospital
- PRT Partnership Registered in Canada
- TDM Trade-mark registered in Canada (by a non-Canadian owner)
- TRD Canadian Trade Union
- PLT Canadian Political Party
- LAM Canadian Library, Archive or Museum
- TRS Trust established in Canada
- ABO Aboriginal Peoples (individuals or groups) indigenous to Canada
- INB Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada
- LGR Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
- OMK Official mark registered in Canada
- MAJ Her Majesty the Queen
Canadian Provinces (Value Description)
- AB Alberta
- BC British Columbia
- MB Manitoba
- NB New Brunswick
- NL Newfoundland & Labrador
- NS Nova Scotia
- NT Northwest Territories
- NU Nunavut
- ON Ontario
- PE Prince Edward Island
- QC Quebec
- SK Saskatchewan
- YK Yukon
Legal contact entities
- bank
- banque
- caisse de credit
- caisse d'economie
- caisse d'epargne
- caisse populaire
- compagnie
- company
- coop
- cooperation
- cooperative
- cooprix
- corp
- corp.
- corporation
- credit union
- federation de societes mutuelles d'assurance
- federation of mutual insurance associations
- fideicommis
- fiducie
- inc
- inc.
- incorporated
- incorpore
- limited
- limitee
- ltd
- ltd.
- lte
- lte.
- ltee
- ltee.
- mutual benefit association
- mutual insurance association
- s.a.
- s.a.r.f.
- s.c.c.
- savings union
- societe commerciale canadienne
- societe de fiducie
- societe de secours mutuels
- societe d'entraide economique
- societe d'epargne
- societe mutuelle d'assurance
- societe par actions
- trust
Trade-mark registered in Canada by non-Canadian owner
In order to register a .CA domain name under the trademark legal type, the trademark must be "registered". Trademarks with a status of "pending" do not qualify.
A Person which does not fall under any other legal type, but which is the owner of a trade-mark which is the subject of a registration under the Trade-marks Act (Canada) R.S.C. 1985, c.T-13 as amended from time to time, but in this case such permission is limited to a request to register a .ca domain name consisting of or including the exact word component of that registered trade-mark. This legal type is only intended for Registrants which do not meet the requirements associated with any other legal type but which have a trade-mark registered in Canada. (Trademarks subject of trade-mark applications and trade-marks registered in other jurisdictions, such as the United States, do not qualify.) The domain name to be registered must include the trademark. (i.e. If the trade-mark is AVEA this type of Registrant can register or but not The Registrant’s name must be the complete legal name of the trade-mark owner (not the trademark agent) holding the domain name registration without any abbreviations. (A common abbreviation may follow the complete name in parentheses.) The applicant must also insert the Canadian registration number of the trade-mark following the Registrant name. A valid registrant name would be "Arcuros SPA - TMA1762466"
Partnership Registered in Canada
If the Registrant is a registered Partnership, you should be creating the Registrant using the "PRT" (Partnership Registered in Canada) legal type. Please note that the Registrant name must be the registered name of the partnership that will hold the domain name registration. The Registrant name must also be followed by the jurisdiction of registration. Examples of VALID Registrant names for the legal type 'Partnership registered in Canada': John Doe, LLP (Ontario) Xenon Partnership (Ontario) Doucett, Entwistle and Theedom LLP (Ontario) John Doe Partnership, British Columbia Rosa, Edward, Kelly, Partnership-Ottawa Examples of INVALID Registrant names for the legal type 'Partnership registered in Canada': Mybusiness Inc. Fred Smith John Doe Partnership
Domain Modification
Authorization Code
The Authorization Code of a .CA domain may have a length from 6 to 16 characters and may consist of the following characters: a - z, A - Z,0 - 9
After registration, there is a 65-day transfer lock on the domain.
After transfer, the registry applies a mandatory 60-day transfer lock to the domain. This status is automatically removed after the 60 day period has ended.