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December 2013

Date TLD Registry Phase
31.10.2013 - 29.12.2013 .‎شبكة (.Network) International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd. Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .bike Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .clothing Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .guru Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .holdings Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .plumbing Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .singles Donuts Sunrise
26.11.2013 - 24.01.2014 .ventures Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .camera Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .equipment Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .estate Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .gallery Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .graphics Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .lighting Donuts Sunrise
03.12.2013 - 31.01.2014 .photography Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .land Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .today Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .technology Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .kitchen Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .directory Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .contractors Donuts Sunrise
10.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .construction Donuts Sunrise
09.12.2013 - 26.02.2014 .みんな Charleston Road Registry Sunrise
11.12.2013- 09.02.2014 .sexy Uniregistry Sunrise
11.12.2013- 09.02.2014 .tattoo Uniregistry Sunrise
09.12.2013 - 07.02.2014 .uno Dot Latin LLC Sunrise
07.12.2013 - 05.02.2014 .menu Dot Menu Sunrise
17.12.2013 - 14.02.2014 .diamonds Donuts Sunrise
17.12.2013 - 14.02.2014 .enterprises Donuts Sunrise
17.12.2013 - 14.02.2014 .tips Donuts Sunrise
17.12.2013 - 14.02.2014 .voyage Donuts Sunrise
24.12.2013 - 21.02.2014 .careers Donuts Sunrise
24.12.2013 - 21.02.2014 .photos Donuts Sunrise
24.12.2013 - 21.02.2014 .recipes Donuts Sunrise
24.12.2013 - 21.02.2014 .shoes Donuts Sunrise
31.12.2013 - 01.03.2014 .limo Donuts Sunrise
31.12.2013 - 01.03.2014 .domains Donuts Sunrise
31.12.2013 - 01.03.2014 .cab Donuts Sunrise
31.12.2013 - 01.03.2014 .company Donuts Sunrise

January 2014

Date TLD Registry Phase
07.01.2014 - 08.03.2014 .computer Donuts Sunrise
07.01.2014 - 08.03.2014 .systems Donuts Sunrise
07.01.2014 - 08.03.2014 .academy Donuts Sunrise
07.01.2014 - 08.03.2014 .management Donuts Sunrise
07.01.2014 - 08.03.2014 .center Donuts Sunrise
14.01.2014 - 15.03.2014 .builders Donuts Sunrise
14.01.2014 - 15.03.2014 .email Donuts Sunrise
14.01.2014 - 15.03.2014 .solutions Donuts Sunrise
14.01.2014 - 15.03.2014 .support Donuts Sunrise
14.01.2014 - 15.03.2014 .training Donuts Sunrise
15.01.2014 - 18.03.2014 .buzz Dot Strategy Co Sunrise
16.01.2013 - 17.03.2014 .kiwi Dot Kiwi Ltd. Sunrise
17.01.2014 - 17.03.2014 .在线 (dotChinese Online) TLD Registry Sunrise
17.01.2014 - 17.03.2014 .中文网 (dotChinese Website) TLD Registry Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 22.03.2014 .camp Donuts Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 22.03.2014 .education Donuts Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 22.03.2014 .glass Donuts Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 22.03.2014 .institute Donuts Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 22.03.2014 .repair Donuts Sunrise
21.01.2014 - 20.02.2014 .ruhr Dotzon GmbH Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .link Uniregistry Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .guitars Uniregistry Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .pics Uniregistry Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .gift Uniregistry Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .photo Uniregistry Sunrise
27.01.2014 - 28.03.2014 .build Plan Bee LLC Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .club .Club Domains LLC Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .coffee Donuts Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .florist Donuts Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .house Donuts Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .international Donuts Sunrise
28.01.2014 - 29.03.2014 .solar Donuts Sunrise

February 2014

Date TLD Registry Phase
12.02.2014 - 14.03.2014 .uno Dot Latin LLC Landrush
10.02.-12.03.2014 .menu Dot Menu Landrush
04.02.2014 .‎شبكة International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd. Go Live
05.02.2013 .bike Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .clothing Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .guru Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .holdings Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .plumbing Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .singles Donuts Go-Live
05.02.2013 .ventures Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .camera Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .equipment Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .estate Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .gallery Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .graphics Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .lighting Donuts Go-Live
12.02.2013 .photography Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .land Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .today Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .technology Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .kitchen Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .directory Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .contractors Donuts Go-Live
19.02.2013 .construction Donuts Go-Live
24.02.2014 .sexy Uniregistry Go-Live
24.02.2014 .tattoo Uniregistry Go-Live
26.02.2014 .diamonds Donuts Go-Live
26.02.2014 .enterprises Donuts Go-Live
26.02.2014 .tips Donuts Go-Live
26.02.2014 .voyage Donuts Go-Live
04.02.2014 - 05.04.2014 .holiday Donuts Sunrise
04.02.2014 - 05.04.2014 .marketing Donuts Sunrise
05.02.2014 - 07.04.2014 .democrat Rightside Sunrise
05.02.2014 - 07.04.2014 .dance Rightside Sunrise
11.02.2014 - 12.04.2014 .codes Donuts Sunrise
11.02.2014 - 12.04.2014 .farm Donuts Sunrise
11.02.2014 - 12.04.2014 .viajes Donuts Sunrise
14.02.2014 - 16.03.2014 .berlin Dot Berlin GmbH Sunrise
18.02.2014 - 19.04.2014 .agency Donuts Sunrise
18.02.2014 - 19.04.2014 .bargains Donuts Sunrise
18.02.2014 - 19.04.2014 .boutique Donuts Sunrise
18.02.2014 - 19.04.2014 .cheap Donuts Sunrise
18.02.2014 - 19.04.2014 .zone Donuts Sunrise
19.02.2014 - 21.04.2014 .immobilien Rightside Sunrise
19.02.2014 - 21.04.2014 .ninja Rightside Sunrise
20.02.2014 - 21.04.2014 .nagoya GMO Registry Sunrise
24.02.2014 - 25.03.2014 Co.Com Sunrise
25.02.2014 - 26.04.2014 .cool Donuts Sunrise
25.02.2014 - 26.04.2014 .watch Donuts Sunrise
05.02.2014 - 06.04.2014 .luxury Luxury Partners LLC Sunrise

Create a new Sunrise Application


command = AddDomainApplication
class = (TLD)_SUNRISE
domain = (DOMAIN)
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
SMD1 = PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9Im5vIj8+PHN
SMD2 = tZDpzaWduZWRNYXJrIHhtbG5zOnNtZD0idXJuOmlldGY6cGFyYW1zOnhtbDpuczpzaWduZWRNYX
SMD3 = JrLTEuMCIgaWQ9InNpZ25lZE1hcmsiPgogIDxzbWQ6aWQ+MS01NjY1Nzwvc21kOmlkPgogIDxzb
SMD4 = WQ6aXNzdWVySW5mbyBpc3N1ZXJJRD0iMyI+CiAgICA8c21kOm9yZz5NYXJrIFZhbGlkYXRvcjwv
SMD5 = c21kOm9yZz4KICAgIDxzbWQ6ZW1haWw+bWFya3ZhbGlkYXRvckBtYXJrdmFsaWRhdG9yLmNvbTw
SMD6 = vc21kOmVtYWlsPgogICAgPHNtZDp1cmw+aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXJrdmFsaWRhdG9yLmNvbTwvc2
SMD7 = 1kOnVybD4KICAgIDxzbWQ6dm9pY2UgeD0iMTIzNCI+KzQzLjg4ODg5OTk5PC9zbWQ6dm9pY2U+C
SMD8 = ...

Create an Early Access Program Application


command = AddDomainApplication
domain = <DOMAIN>
ownercontact0 = <CONTACT>
admincontact0 = <CONTACT>
techcontact0 = <CONTACT>
billingcontact0 = <CONTACT>

the same command can be used with these classes:



Create a GoLive Application


command = AddDomainApplication
class = <TLD>_GOLIVE
domain = <DOMAIN>
ownercontact0 = <CONTACT>
admincontact0 = <CONTACT>
techcontact0 = <CONTACT>
billingcontact0 = <CONTACT>

Converting EOIs to Applications

In order to convert an EOI to a domain application by API you simply have to create your domain application using the API commands above adding the following parameter:



- You can only use your EOI once in order to create one domain application for a matching domain

- Also if you create several domain applications for the same domain but different launch phases it is only possible to convert one EOI to one application

Convert an EOI for to an Early Access Program Application for day 3:

command = AddDomainApplication
domain =
ownercontact0 = <CONTACT>
admincontact0 = <CONTACT>
techcontact0 = <CONTACT>
billingcontact0 = <CONTACT>
eoi = 12345

Claim notice

CheckDomain - CheckDomain with phase "CLAIMS"

The following API command will return if there are claims for dedicated domains INSTEAD of returning the availability of the domain. There will be no indication if a domain name is available for registration. Only if there exist claims for a domain name or not:


command = CheckDomain
domain =
phase = claims

DESCRIPTION=Claim exists

Querying the trademark notice and notice id

The claimkey can be used to query trademark details with the StatusTMDBClaim command. Response parameters are:



command = StatusTMDBClaim
claimkey = 2014010100/0/1/a/ABCDEFG123456789

DESCRIPTION=Command completed successfully
PROPERTY[NOTICE-CREATEDDATE][0]=2014-02-04 00:00:00


In order to register a claims domain you have to provide at least two parameters:



command = AddDomain
domain =
NOTICE-ACCEPT-ID = 5adc112f0000000000008912290
NOTICE-EXPIRATIONDATE = 2014-02-04 00:00:00

Converting EOIs to Standard Domain Pre-registrations

  • Log into your account and navigate to MANAGE PRODUCTS > PRE-REGs / EOIs then click on "List EOIs" in the left side menu.



  • All your EOIs will be displayed in a list and those that can be converted to standard Pre-registrations will have a "Convert EOI into Pre-registration" button available.
  • Click on the "Convert EOI into Pre-registration" button to individually convert the EOI(s)


  • Using the bulk option, simply check the EOI(s) that you wish to convert and click on the Bulk Action dropdown and select the "Convert EOI into Pre-registration" option.


  • Before an EOI is converted, you will be presented with a confirmation dialog box, where you can confirm the type of conversion you wish to make.

Single EOI Confirmation:


Bulk EOI Confirmation:


  • Pre-registrations may or may not require a deposit depending on how soon the conversion type you selected is scheduled
  • Finalize the conversion through the standard shopping cart process